Ecodeal earns recognition from FCC

In July, FCC (Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas) announced the winners of the third edition of the Health and Safety Awards (Prémios de Segurança e Saúde). This event is promoted world-wide and a professional from Ecodeal won an award for the first time, engineer Marta Costa.

The employee was singled out for her career experience. It is an acknowledgement of the proper promotion and development of services and activities relating to health and safety at work.

Apart from Marta Costa, only three other employees of the 50 000 working for the group, spread over more than 25 countries, have earned this distinction.

We are extremely proud that Ecodeal is seeing this award going to Marta Costa, and Congratulations to her!

The Health and Safety Awards event also includes professionals who excel in risk prevention in the workplace and the promotion of health.

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